SAINA NEHWAL- Daughter of King

                   SAINA NEHWAL- PRIDE OF NATION

Saina's Introduction

Saina Nehwal in India it is a big name and all of us feel proud whenever this name come front of us, But do you guys know about the person/lady owning this name. I am sure your answer will be yes but may be it is not enough so I am writing about her. Reason of choosing that title and Heading is inside the post so read it with interest.

Introduction to Badminton

Saina born on 17 Mar 1990 in Hissar,Haryana. Her father Harvir Singh Nehwal was a agricultural scientist her mother was homemaker. She was the 2nd girl child of their parents this is the reason that her grandmother refused to talking with her, As in those region of India no one was wanting a girl child in their home but later their thinking changed because of some daughters of nation who made us feel proud, Saina is one of those. Her parents were also badminton lovers, Even her mother still plays very well. They always supported Saina to play badminton, Then when she was very small they shifted to Hyderabad because of transfer of her father. Once her mother said that she wants Saina to win medal in Olympics. The time they shifted in Hyderabad, On that time Badminton was very popular in Hyderabad and P. Gopichand was star because of winning all England crowns and National title.

Struggle of Saina and her Father

Once Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh's badminton coach PSS Namiprasad Rao, He said Saina to come daily in stadium at 6.00 AM morning for practice. Her home was 20 km far from that stadium and it was also too early too reach there. But her father said Okay she will be there on time he continued to take and drop her to stadium by his scooter, Saina was just 8-9 years old on that time, And she was having school too but she handled it very wisely. After few months they shifted near to stadium but it was still at a distance of 7 km from stadium. After few months her coach said that she has to come  at both morning and evening. Her father managed it too by himself. Their daily up-down was of 150 rupees on that time apart of that her school fees, Her playing kit.
 On an average 12000 rupees per month he used to spend on Saina, On the girl who was just 9 years old. It was around half of his salary all people were suggesting him that it is not a good game girls play this by wearing shorts and to spending on girl it is wrong because one day she has to go in other's home, But for her father, Saina's dreams were bigger than any society he never lose hope. 

Pressure handling time the care and unity

Later he started withdrawing money from his provident fund account and  taking debt on interests for their both girls because Saina's sister was also doing medicine study so there were also requirement of money, But Saina's father never showed anything in front of his childs. This is the reason that I said him king for his daughters because he never said "No" to his daughters.

Starting of winning Rewards

In 1999-2002 they got some relief because Yonex took sponsorship of Saina's kit, Her father was also worrying about her exams because she also had left exams two times for competition, She won U-10 state level championship and won 300 rupees but that money was not enough, Even until 2003 she used to have just 600 rupees/month, Later this amount increased to 2500 rupees/month. Later BPCL also supported her, She won Phillipins open and World Junior Championship and rewarded by around 45000 rupees but as she became so famous so she was always waiting for opportunities and also used to having so many calls so, This money got finished in just filling those phone bills.

Record making moments/ Winning of biggest awards

 She was the first Indian women who won Asian satellite badminton tournament, In 2009 she became first Indian women to win medals in all formats of BWF super series.In 2009 she became 2nd best Badminton player in world. In 2010 she won gold medals in Commonwealth games, In 2012 summer Olympics she won bronze medal 
She was the first Indian women to achieve these medals. In 2010 she rewarded by Rajiv Gandhi award and Padmashri award, In 2016 she rewarded by Padmabhushan award.In 2015 she became No. 1 badminton player in the world and also the first Indian women of acieving this. Once it is said to be that Media persons were visited to her home for congratulate her but her father was not having that much money to feed them sweets. It is true that her father not shown any problem of finance and debts to his daughters but nothing was hidden with them. She struggled lot and stood mentally strong past 8-10 years Saina did not visited any Party, Hotels and Cinema Halls because she knows the value of money for which she saw her father to do lot of hard work. But this is also true that apart cricket none of other sports persons get that money which they truly deserve.

Darling Daughter of INDIA

She is the brand Ambassador of Girl Child Campaign of India, PM Modi said her the Darling Daughter of India. In her childhood she also used to play Karate and also won medals in karate.
She married to P. Kashyap who is also a badminton player.There is also a biopic movie making on lifestory of Saina Nehwal lead actress will played by Shraddha Kapoor but this is true that Behind all successful people there are always parents.

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